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Beyond Clinical Medicine Podcast: Things You Don’t Learn in Residency

TeamHealth has launched a podcast series! Beyond Clinical Medicine is a podcast series hosted by Dr. Rob Strauss, TeamHealth’s Chief Medical Training Officer, where you’ll hear conversations from leading clinicians across the country that cover all the things they don’t teach you in residency.

In the first episode, Dr. Strauss speaks with Dr. Kevin Klauer, EJD, FACEP, Chief Medical Officer for Hospital-Based Services and Chief Risk Officer for and executive director of the TeamHealth Patient Safety Organization. Dr. Klauer discusses several aspects of risk that impact clinicians and helps identify potential risks and how to mitigate them if they occur.

Dr. Klauer was elected to the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Board of Directors in 2016 and serves as the Medical Editor-in-Chief for ACEP Now, ACEP’s monthly publication. In 2018, Dr. Klauer was recognized by the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians with the Outstanding Educator of the Year award.

Listen to Beyond Clinical Medicine here:

Or on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher.

If you have a question or comment about this podcast or an idea for a topic you’d like us to discuss in the future, please share your thoughts by email at Thanks for listening!

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For more information and on TeamHealth’s risk management program, please contact us at 800.342.2898.