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Shipping Supplies to Protect Clinicians Fighting COVID-19

TeamHealth’s top priority is the wellness and safety of clinicians. The company has been ordering, packing and shipping personal protection equipment (PPE) to assist efforts to treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

TeamHealth has taken orders for PPE from clinicians and facilities across the United States and worked tirelessly to fill them, despite supply shortages and delays. Each day, as supplies come in to Knoxville, Tennessee, volunteers repackage goggles, KN95 masks, surgical masks, face shields, gowns, isolation suits and other gear to meet the needs of our clinicians.

“Seeing the supplies come in and knowing the number of boxes we’re shipping out brings mixed emotions. I am so happy that TeamHealth is able to provide for and support so many,” said Haley Wall, TeamHealth Trade Show Manager and PPE packing volunteer. “Knowing my co-workers, my friends and my TeamHealth family members are on the other end of those shipments makes me proud, even though I worry for their health and safety. It makes me ready for brighter days ahead.”

Many TeamHealth associates work behind the scenes, locating supplies and getting them shipped as quickly as possible. “My boss, Chris Flynn, works tirelessly 24/7 tracking the shipment of our PPE,” said Sabrina Brewer, TeamHealth Regional Office Manager, Support Services Northeast and Tennessee. “He has always been a great boss and mentor, but his dedication to this project and making sure our clinicians and medical staff get what they need on the frontline is beyond awesome.”

Clinicians sometimes cry after receiving a box of needed supplies. Though they may not get everything they ordered, TeamHealth cares enough to get PPE in the hands of our clinicians as quickly as possible.

Watch this video for a behind-the-scenes look at the massive effort to source and distribute PPE.