TeamHealth and COVID-19 | ACEP20 page
Clinicians Fighting COVID-19
Throughout this pandemic, our clinicians have been our most valuable resource. Together, we have faced a health care crisis, unprecedented in our time. TeamHealth has been committed to offering opportunities for our emergency clinicians to grow and provide timely information related to this outbreak.
Featured Resources
We appreciate the tireless work clinicians are doing to battle against COVID-19.
Sign up for our coronavirus email updates and TeamHealth will send you a free cup of coffee to say thanks and help you on those long shifts.
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COVID-19 Updates
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New Network Opportunities
Don’t miss out! Make an appointment to speak with one of our recruiters to find a position that interests you, or simply stay connected for when a position comes available.

Get a Coffee On Us
We want to thank clinicians for their hard work and dedication to patient care during this pandemic. Sign up for our coronavirus email updates and receive a free cup of coffee from TeamHealth.